How to get your Telegram and Slack identifiers

In order to track your stats properly, especially when working in a team, we need to know your personal Telegram and Slack identifiers. With these IDs, when you click on action buttons inside the messenger, we will be able to recognize that it's you performing the activity and show it on your Vollna Dashboard.

Track Your Freelancing Statistics on Vollna Dashboard
Telegram ID

To get your Telegram ID, open a chat with @vollna_bot and send the command /myid. The bot will reply with your unique identifier.

Slack ID
  1. Open Slack desktop or web app and log in to your account.
  2. Select the workspace for which you want to retrieve your member ID from.
  3. Click on your profile picture or initials in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. From the dropdown menu, select "Profile".
  5. On your profile page, you will see your user status displayed under your name. Under your user status, you will find the three dots menu icon.
  6. From the dropdown menu, select "Copy member ID".
  7. Your user ID for the selected Slack workspace will now be copied to your clipboard, and you can paste it to your Vollna account.
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How to copy Slack User ID

Please note that if you are a member of multiple Slack workspaces, you will have a different member ID for each workspace. So, make sure that you have selected the correct Slack workspace where you want to retrieve your member ID from.

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